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How Pregnancy and Having a Baby Changed the Mindset of Shay Mitchell


Shay Mitchell became widely popular after her role in Pretty Little Liars, but her pregnancy also
brought a lot of attention to her. The reason for that is she hid her first pregnancy for nearly six
months and then revealed all the struggles she went through during and after having her first

This actress has said there are many things people don’t warn you about when you get pregnant, and also has shown how she adopted a new mindset after giving birth for the first time.

Are you interested in learning how pregnancy and having a baby changed the mindset of Shay Mitchell? Dive into this page to find out!


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First Pregnancy Struggles – Miscarriage Pregnancy Ultrasound 

As we mentioned before, Mitchell hid her first pregnancy for the first six months before revealing she was pregnant again. Why did she do this? Because she had a miscarriage in 2018 and was scared to think everything could happen all over again.

She told people that after posting a pregnancy ultrasound of the baby she lost, on Instagram. Fortunately, people were there to support her and tell her things were going to be alright. While that was reassuring for her, she still had to go through several struggles before and after giving birth to her firstborn.


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Natural Beginning of a Pregnancy and Body Disconformity 

One of the main issues of Mitchell’s pregnancy is how people tell everyone the natural beginning of pregnancy should be. Everyone tells you to be happy and excited about your new baby, but almost no one tells you about pre-partum depression and how bad it can make you feel.

Shay Mitchell suffered from pre-partum depression, which didn’t let her feel as excited as she would’ve wanted to feel during her pregnancy. Nonetheless, she didn’t know pre-partum depression existed, so she started feeling bad for not feeling how people told her she should have felt.

On top of that, Shay didn’t like how her body looked when she was pregnant, and that issue continued after she gave birth to her baby. She started a workout program with a friend some months after her baby Atlas was born, and that gave her the energy she needed to feel happy again.



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New Mentality

Everything Shay went through while pregnant and after giving birth made her change her mindset about how her lifestyle was and how she felt about her body. She started to think about this after she posted an Instagram picture of her progress after giving birth and after going through the workout program.

She thought people were going to like the progress she was so proud of, but on the contrary, people started criticizing her for celebrating a body they thought was always looking good.

Shay, however, felt bad about the body those people claimed looked good, so she determined people should always be able to celebrate their bodies if they feel proud of what they’ve achieved.

The actress mentioned women often celebrate their bodies before being pregnant, while pregnant, but never after recovering from it, and they should be able to do it.

Mitchell said she had one life to live, and she wanted to live it the way she liked best without thinking about what other people had to say. Fortunately, everything she learned from her first pregnancy made things easier when she got pregnant with her second baby.

What the Center for Birth and Wellness Didn’t Tell Her 

As Mitchell mentioned in several interviews, there wasn’t anyone from a Center for Birth and Wellness, a doctor, or a friend who told her about pre-partum depression. Maybe, if she had known about this, she would’ve felt less guilty for being sad while pregnant.

Therefore, Shay states how important it is for women to know that pre-partum depression exists since that’s what helps them fight it. Everyone tells women they should be prepared for post-partum depression, and that’s what makes them survive it the best way possible.

When Shay gave birth to her first baby, she was scared to be pregnant again. Shay Mitchell told several interviewers that, although she wanted Atlas to have a sibling, it was traumatizing how difficult her first pregnancy was. Women shouldn’t go through that, so she tries her best to make sure everyone knows the true struggles of being pregnant.


There are many things people don’t tell you about pregnancy, and it’s challenging to overcome them all by yourself. Shay Mitchell did that, and although it was a difficult experience for her, it also helped her change her mindset for a healthier and more confident one. 

These issues are something that could happen to any woman in the world, but even if it’s scary, Shay proved that everything will be alright, as long as you are strong and have people with you.

